Healing Your Inner Child

£222.00 GBP

Healing Your Inner Child will help you react differently to everyday situations and create more harmony and peace in your life and relationships. Inner child work, like any inner work, involves creating a space where your subconscious can take the lead". By allowing ourselves time to go within, we begin peeling back our everyday coping mechanisms (being avoidant, numbing our feelings, etc.) and can fully accept and integrate our subconscious into consciousness.

This course will help you make peace, build confidence, and develop personal power. You will feel whole where you were feeling broken.

What you'll get:

  • 1 X Masterclass on Healing Your Inner Child
  • 1 X Deep Healing, Clearing and Unification with your inner child so you can become whole. 
  • 1 X Workbook with incredible deep insights and prompts to heal your relationship with yourself and your inner child.


What to expect from Healing Your Inner Child:

Feeling safe in yourself

Feeling able to navigate your emotional landscape

Increased confidence

Increased self-worth 

Improved relationships with family and loved ones 

Improved much more loving and accepting relationship with yourself  

And much more!

You are advised to use this course as often as you wish; the healing will go deeper each time. 

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